Sunday, September 23, 2012

Shabbat Blessing

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech  ha olam
asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav
v'tzivanu l'kadeish et yom ha shabbat
Blessed are you , Adonai our G-d,
King of the universe
Who sanctified us with His commandments
and commanded us to sanctify the Sabbath day.

Autumn Leaves

How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. ~John Burroughs

Abundant Fall Harvest

Little Furry Friend

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Highlights from the JBLM Airshow

 Tandem drop

 Right side up, upside down

 Do it again, do it again!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Pesach Night


Name tag- A feeling that you're wanted and needed.
Flowers lovingly cut and arranged by loving hands
The Haggadah-order of service for Pesach

Appetizers ( called Appys) -munchies to enjoy while going through the Haggadah

Matzah- The bread of affliction, unleavened because our people left Egypt quickly
The Elements- Lamb shank bone , represents the spotless Lamb sacrificed for us.
Bitter herbs and salt water, represents our tears and bitter toil while in captivity to the Egyptians.
Charoset, resembles the color of the clay we made to form bricks while laboring for the Egyptians.
The egg, to remind us of the destruction of the Temple

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hearts Of Friends

Hearts of friends, tightly woven together by time, tears and shared memories. I hold them in my hand lovingly, carefully. My hand is open not wanting to smother or hold too tightly, for they each need room to move, to grow, to be themselves. I guard and treasure each one individually. Though they may be separated my miles, our hearts are inseparable.

Winter Tree

Winter tree, barren and cold, with no sign of life but for the occasional bird needing a place to rest.  Do not despair. Winter is not so terribly long, but is a brief season in time. Shortly, the spring will come, and your leaves will again grow anew and your branches will stretch to meet the rising of the sun.

The Bridge To Your Destiny

As we come upon each of life's bridges let us deeply consider the  path.  Don't look down , or fear may grip you as you stand paralyzed, afraid to move forward. Don't look back at what may have been, it's already passed. Keep your eyes fixed forward . Set your gaze on the horizon, but not too far forward, or it may overwhelm you. Go on, on step at a time.

Dewy Leaves

Sit A Spell

Sit a spell. Make time to enjoy the beauty of nature. Take in the sights and smells of winter. Listen to the sounds of the gentle breeze and watch the birds flitting about. Relive precious memories of time spent with friends and family. Enjoy the moment.